I cannot explain enough how happy this post makes me! When I sew it is usually for someone as a gift! Birthday, Christmas, baby gifts… But I get ideas in my head and think, “Man, if only I had a reason to make that!” My husband and mom both said, “Then why don’t you? Couldn’t you just sell it” Gee, why did that never cross my mind. I suppose its the fear that naturally creeps in. The “What if everyone hates it!” But I decided to go for it!
I LOVE creating new patterns! I have a hard time following patterns just because I like to find new ways to do things! But the results below are simply from thinking what I would like to create, finding inspiration in the fabric and letting it “speak” to me, and just… designing! I gotta say, probably to much thought and care went into this quilt that kinda created itself. Doesn’t make sense… I know. I am a natural blonde. LOL But after all is said and done… My first quilt is up for sale NOW on my Etsy site HERE! I can’t wait to share it with someone.
The inspiration fabric for this quilt was a Moda print called “Valley” by Sherri and Chelsi. It’s dark blue and teal with orange and yellows blended with a woodsy but modern print were PERFECT for what I had in mind! This fabric inspired my first paper piece pattern the Classic Fox which led to my next pattern the Modern Fox. (Very similar but different to me! LOL) My main goal with those was to create a paper pieced pattern that could be printed on ONE sheet instead of several to get all the sections done. You can find them both HERE in my Etsy Shop!
From there the quilt just came together! I knew I wanted the other blocks in the quilt to mimic the fox. I knew I wanted a more modern simple look. I knew I wanted to use ALL the amazing bright prints in the layer cake! A simple Chevron seemed a natural fit!
My 13 year old daughter’s chore for the day was to help me lay all the squares out a decide where to place them. She got to experience first hand the frustration of keeping the pattern and also trying to not have any of the same color OR pattern touch or be to close. It was hilarious. She took over and spent about 30 minutes rearranging things. I was very afraid to mess up her placement.
After sewing her carefully placed blocks and I needed to add a border! I didn’t want something to over powering. I wanted something simple to draw the eye to the center. I decided to use thin strips of the same layer cake to add a simple touch of color.
The back is lined with a soft “Woolies Flannel” by Bonnie Sullivan for Maywood Studios. And striped with some of the leftover mini border to give the back unique touch! I love using mostly flannel for a backing. I LOVE a snuggly blanket!!
Next it was quilt sandwich time! I LOVE free motion quilting my things. I put in a Bluetooth earbud, flip on a podcast, and just… go to town! For this quilt I wanted to break up the stark lines a bit with some squiggly wavy lines and also keep the woodsy feel by adding some leaves here and there. I used a yellow and white variegated thread for the top! I LOVE using variegated for quilting!
I bound the quilt with the same fabric I used for the border. I felt this gave it a modern edge and I wanted the focus to be on the center. I DID, however, stick the binding down with TEAL cotton thread! Had to give it a TINY bit of pizazz! (And yes… now the thread there on the skinny border bugs me but… I was so excited to take pictures! LOL)
I LOVE how this quilt turned out. The math was fairly simple, the pattern is simple, but has the added fun of the paper pieced blocks! I can’t wait to make another one! I feel my first quilt pattern coming on!
If you are interested in THIS quilt it can be found HERE! Don’t worry… I have a second one in mind with some more feminine fabric prints!